
Trouble Shooting

Troubleshooting Kibosh for Android

  How to troubleshoot Kibosh for Android Internet issues Go to Settings > VPN and Disconnect DNS Changer (if it is already disconnected, then delete it) > reboot > can you browse now? If yes then stop. Go to Settings and turn WiFi off – now you’re using the Mobile Carrier’s Internet > can you browse now? If yes then stop. Go to Settings > Cellular Networks – is this enabled? If yes then go to step 4. Go to…

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DNS: device is vulnerable to attacks

  Local antivirus products, like AVAST, or AVG, Nortons, etc., usually offer a Web Filter / Internet Security / Web Shield type feature that you can optionally turn on / off. See an example of Avast here. The antivirus vendor will make a good sales pitch for why you should turn this feature on, however it’s bunk. You do not want to turn this feature on because A) it filters nothing, and B) they see ALL OF YOUR INTERNET TRAFFIC…

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How to upgrade WiFi signal.

  Everything is WiFi now, so ensuring your Kibosh appliance’s WiFi is setup properly is paramount, and will make for a much smoother experience. A few key points about WiFi: Stone and metal will interfere with all WiFi signal. So if you have a room enclosed with stone / metal you will always have problems getting a strong WiFi signal in here, regardless of the power of WiFi router. This room will need a range extender (see below). The direction…

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  Avast will interfere with Kibosh filtering if you have turned on all their Core Shields. This is because Avast, in case you didn’t know, if sending all – ALL – of your Internet traffic through their servers, i.e. Avast is essentially a VPN which will tunnel through any filter. With Kibosh protecting your Internet all you need going forward is local antivirus, and the non-subscription kind. Kibosh blocks the bad stuff before you download it, local antivirus works (hopefully)…

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YouTube Issue: This Video is Restricted.

  You have disabled YouTube SafeMode, but you are still, or start receiving again, the dreaded “This video is restricted” message when trying to play good content videos: And you are unable to disable YouTube SafeMode: How to troubleshoot: Double check your MyFilter Dashboard > Web Filter > Options > YouTube is disabled (not checked) Try a different browser. Sometimes SafeMode get’s stuck in the on position in a particular browser. Reboot your PC to clear local caches. If YouTube…

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How to find a device IP and MAC address.

  How to find the IP and MAC address of any device connected to your Kibosh router. Log into your Kibosh at Go to Status > Connected Hosts Current DHCP Leases: when a device joins the Kibosh router’s network it will request an IP address via DHCP. This section will tell you what devices have received an IP from your Kibosh. Devices listed here may or may not be currently connected to the Kibosh. Hostname: name of device. Host…

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NETGEAR N300 WiFi Range Extender

  Any Kibosh Appliance’s built in WiFi can be easily extended using the NETGEAR N300 Range Extender. There are many different types of range extenders, some good some not-so-good. Kibosh has confirmed, and use ourselves, the N300. For $30 apiece and simple setup it’s an inexpensive way to boost the power of your Wi-Fi. Click here to see / purchase the N300 off Amazon.com. However there are others that would work too. How to provision the N300 to work with either…

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Unable to join wifi.

  If you are unable to join the krn600 from a particular device you need to remove / forget the cached krn600 entry, and then reconnect. All devices save (i.e. cache) a WiFi network’s password so you don’t have to enter it each time you connect. However if the password changes, or the cached entry becomes corrupted you will need to delete and then re-connect to the WiFi network. How to remove a cached WiFi entry from Windows 8 Go…

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You are unable to log into the Kibosh Router’s Admin Panel.

  KRMU = Kibosh Router Management Utility located at This troubleshooting guide assumes you are able to access the internet through the Kibosh router. If you are not able to access the internet then go here for troubleshooting. Issue: Sometimes you are unable to log into the KRMU and your browser times out with errors like can’t open page/ too may redirects. To resolve KRMU access issues: Clear your browser cache Try to login again: If it still…

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How to fix XBOX moderate NAT error.

  Xbox Live requires the following ports to be open: Port 88 (UDP) Port 3074 (UDP and TCP) How to resolve XBOX Moderate NAT error. Solution (15 – 30 min) First you need to get the IP address of your XBOX from the XBOX’s UI (how to find this). With the XBOX IP address in hand: Assign the XBOX a persistent IP: Log into your Kibosh at Go to Connection, DHCP Under Static IPs there is a drop-down that…

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Internet Security and Parental Controls.

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