
Tales from the Blog

Zoom Data Collection

A news story that caused quite a stir was Zoom’s decision to use your data for AI training purposes. After a huge backlash, Zoom changed its privacy policy again and now states that no data will be used for AI training “without your consent”.  In other words, you might find a tiny little button somewhere to opt-out, but most users won’t. Our data is worth a lot of money to the big guys, and of course, it will be used…

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When does a VPN make sense?

VPN ads are everywhere today. These ads imply that a (their) VPN will make your life better. ” Our VPN will protect your privacy and thwart the bad guys from tracking and hacking you!” One would need to go much deeper than a simple VPN to be completely anonymous online – although a VPN does play a role. So, what exactly is a VPN and when would you want to use one? At Kibosh I have setup and operated our VPN Server for our Mobile…

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What happens when a DNS request is made?

Kibosh makes protecting your family online easy. A little behind-the-scenes look at a DNS Query: → You type www.example.com into your web browser. → Your device sends a request to your configured Kibosh DNS → The Kibosh DNS asks the root nameserver for the IP address of the TLD nameserver responsible for .com domains. ← The root nameserver returns the IP address of the .com TLD nameserver to the Kibosh DNS → The Kibosh DNSasks the .com TLD nameserver for the address of the authoritative nameserver responsible for example.com. ← The .com TLD nameserver returns the IP address of the authoritative nameserver to the Kibosh DNS →…

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Use Yandex.com with Kibosh for old-school search results in a family safe environment.

Back in my day you could find just about anything on the web, but in general search engines (Lycos, Yahoo, etc) were not very good in regards to the content (websites related to your search) returned. When Google hit the scene it was so much better than anything they literally took over the world and Google has become a verb in our lexicon. Today many people consider Google ‘the internet’. Having used Google since inception, and having to figure out…

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How to protect NetGear Nighthawk M1 Mobile Wireless Router with Kibosh

  How to protect a NetGear Nighthawk M1 Mobile Wireless Router with Kibosh Open a browser and go to is default – if that does not work see how to find gateway router Login using admin / password Go to Settings Setup Mobile Router Setup Change DNS Mode to Manual Enter both KiboshDNS servers in DNS Server & Alternate DNS Server: On any computer that uses this M1 router to access the internet, open a browser to test.kibosh.net Once…

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How to disable Samsung Free (unfiltered movies & tv)

In our constant battle to block the mind poison big-tech / gov / hollywood desperately wants us (and especially our kids) to consume – Samsung is pushing a “free” streaming movie/tv app by making it a primary, unavoidable app (full page slide screen) called ‘Samsung Free’. Anyway, this is how to disable it (it’s not obvious – and it cannot be deleted): Long pressing on a blank spot on the home screen until the row of icons appear at the…

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How to use Kibosh Internet Security on mobile hotspot.

  Get a mobile hotspot like this Netgear and then either change the DNS (using Kibosh Filter Open) on the hotspot aka wireless router (if it will let you – it should since you own it). NOTE: if you do this through ATT / Verizon you should get free 100GB per month. Put your Kibosh wireless router in front of this mobile hotspot router – thereby making the hotspot your ISP modem. This would be the easiest long term solution for the…

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Do you watch TV?

In order to truly walk away from an addiction to pornography we need to be very careful about what we put into our minds. Of all people the former addict is more aware of this (having done the exact opposite for so many years). Mainstream TV should be eliminated for a few reasons: 1) most of the content is hyper sexualized and will subliminally trigger a fall, and 2) it’s 100% all lies. Did you know, that before leaving office,…

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Colloidal / ionic Silver vs Bacteria tests

Personally I’ve been using CS for years on everything, even as mouthwash. I have not had cavities in years. Topically there is no question CS works, and my personal experience has been outstanding. Internally, if I feel any kind of chest congestion / cold coming on I use CS in a nebulizer. Note that I’ve not been really sick in years although I know I’ve caught a few bugs, and was coming down with something, but I hammer it with…

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Internet Security and Parental Controls.

Tales from the blog!